When you’re searching for the perfect vehicle, it helps to know if you qualify for the financing you need. Get pre-qualified in just a taps, with no effect on your credit score.
Get started
No effect on credit!
Est. 90 seconds
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What’s your car worth?
Get an estimate of your vehicle's value, based on real local market data — in under 30 seconds.
Value your trade
We need your car!
Est. 20 seconds
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You’re covered for life.
Experience a lifetime powertrain warranty for new & used vehicles at Patriot.
Program Benefits
New & Pre-Owned Lifetime Powertrain Warranty
10 Years 24/7/365 Roadside Assistance
Flat tire change
Battery service
Lock-out assistance
Fuel, oil, fluid, and water delivery
What’s your car worth?
Get an estimate of your vehicle's value, based on real local market data — in under 30 seconds.
Value your trade
We need your car!
Est. 20 seconds
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Get pre-qualified in just a few taps
When you’re searching for the perfect vehicle, it helps to know if you qualify for the financing you need. Get pre-qualified in just a taps, with no effect on your credit score.